Payment & Refund Policy

You must have to agree with our payment and refund policy to place an order with us.

Payment Policy: accept payment from almost all credit card and Paypal. But, we do not take your payment directly. To make your payment process more secure and trustworthy, we accept your payment via payment gateways.

If your payment passes all fraud checks of them then we will start our service. This process will take about 2-3 minutes to check fraud and process payment. If your payment can not pass 2checkout moderation, payment will automatically be rejected and refunded to you and we will not process your order.

Refund Policy:

Read our refund policy carefully before place an order with us or ask for a refund.

We offer 100 percent refund of your payment only if we are unable to serve you the ordered service. If your service takes a long time to be completed due to our service issue , you can ask for a partial refund. But, if a delay happens due to any server issue, we will not provide any refund and you have to keep the patient to get full service when their server will work again.

If your order is cancelled by our payment processor, we will not refund any amount, because ,we also not get any funds from you.

If our provided service is drop count within 30 days, we will refill / re-do the job again, but if drops after 30 days, you will not get any refill or refund.

You can not ask for a refund after 7 days of successfully delivering of services. If you have any issue regarding any order contact us within 7 days of delivery. You can also claim your refund to paypal or payment gateways within this period of time. After 7 days of delivery, your refund claim will not be validated.